DEEP: new brand, new horizons

01 July 2024

First launched at the end of June, DEEP is the new brand encompassing all of POST Group’s expertise, resources and digital services for professional customers. We talked to Cliff Konsbruck, DEEP Director and Deputy Managing Director of POST Luxembourg, to discuss the benefits for our customers of combining Digora, EBRC, Elgon and Post Telecom.


Moving forward, we’ll be targeting Luxembourg-based professionals under a single brand: DEEP. This will enable us to offer a broad range of services and solutions to more efficiently meet all their digital needs,' Konsbruck explains.

This new brand champions all of POST Group’s existing complementary expertise: Digora, specialist in data management; Elgon, expert in Microsoft solutions; EBRC, data centre operator and leader in the resilience space; as well as the expert services Post Télécom provides to businesses, in addition to connectivity services throughout the region.


  • Comprehensive support

First and foremost, DEEP was created as a solution for customers looking for a single trusted partner – one that’s capable of providing secure, responsible advice and support throughout the digital transformation process,’ Konsbruck adds. ‘Today, our customers need to be able to adapt faster and faster. By combining our resources and expertise, as well as developing synergies between teams, we’re helping them take their businesses digital and giving them the opportunity to test out new technological solutions.

This integration is part of a global trend towards convergence between telecoms and ICT, integration as well as hybridisation of IT environments, and reflects a desire to see more digital solutions across businesses. ‘To effectively support each customer through their digital transformation, DEEP is providing more efficient access to a broad set of skills,’ he says. ‘Our customers’ tasks and processes are therefore streamlined, thanks to a single point of contact.’


With some 750 employees, DEEP is the go-to player in responsible digital services in Luxembourg and intends to continue developing its business abroad.


  • Advisory solutions and extended service offering

DEEP currently offers a wide range of services and solutions in the Cloud, cybersecurity, data management and leveraging, IoT and artificial intelligence sectors,’ says Konsbruck. We also plan to offer advisory services, which are essential for guiding and supporting businesses through any problems they may encounter. Coupled with a range of managed services, this will enable us to generate value for our customers and offer them a clear path forward.’


To achieve this, DEEP draws on solid foundations comprising resilient and sovereign infrastructures, data centres and fixed and mobile networks operated directly by the group. Over the past few years, POST has also developed cutting-edge expertise in cybersecurity, data leverage and Cloud solutions.


  • Sector-specific solutions

Our goal is to provide the most targeted solutions to problems encountered by our customers,’ says the Director of DEEP. To do this, we’re developing a market approach that focuses on seven clearly identified segments: SMEs/European and international institutions/Luxembourg public institutions/finance and insurance/industry, commerce, transport and logistics/services & utilities, and lastly, healthcare and life sciences. This way, we’re strengthening our understanding of the challenges each customer faces and developing solutions that take each sector’s specific issues into account.’


  • Offering a new experience

By combining its expertise and resources under a single banner, DEEP is offering its customers and employees an entirely new experience. ‘The purpose of combining our expertise and specialised technological knowledge is to enable customers to enhance their agility, more confidently manage their environments and extract value from their data, while accurately assessing any related risks,’ Konsbruck explains. ‘As for our employees, we want to create the optimal environment in which they can develop their skills, by encouraging them to acquire an innovation mindset. Our challenge is to offer our teams fulfilling career opportunities, specifically by investing in training.’



Alongside customers and employees, DEEP is seeking to build a future in which everyone can achieve their full potential in this new digital era.

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