ControlCenter - DEEP
Your web application for business services visibility at any time.

Activating your SIM cards has never been so easy !
You can now take out new mobile subscriptions and activate your SIM cards with just a few clicks in ControlCenter.
Find out more
A turnkey and secure online application for business customers
A global view of all DEEP mobile and connectivity solutions to which you have subscribed
Smart dashboards for a quick access to strategic information
Control your budget and save time on your analyses
Ease of use and autonomy in managing your mobile fleet
Mobile solution
ControlCenter Mobile Solutions give you a clear view of the communications of all your mobile subscriptions and devices.
Dashboards & Analytics
Find data from multiple sources in a unified display through dashboards and analytics.
The solution brings multiple indicators together under a single application - giving you a 24/7, virtual view of your fleet. This means you can track your consumption and expenditure anytime, anywhere.

Set alerts to avoid overspending when it comes to communications. Your manager defines a flexible threshold based on criteria such as consumption or the amount according to the communications tariff plan.

Data Control and Subscriptions
Take out new subscriptions and activate your staff's SIM cards instantly online.
You can also control your mobile fleet with individual analyses, block or unblock subscriptions, add options, and much more...

Check the status of your connectivity simply and quickly with Vision
Data Monitoring
- Access actionable dashboards immediately and graphs that you can export in one click
- Different metrics are available: you can for example monitor the bandwidth consumption of your DIA, the status of the Primary Access and the Fallback, visualize data relating to suspected DDoS attacks on your network and check the status of your D-LINE
- The health service available in ControlCenter will allow you to follow the state of the POST Backbone in real time (average latency, packet loss ...)
- Tutorials made by our experts will guide you through your first steps in ControlCenter Vision.

Discover ControlCenter
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It's really easy! Follow the instructions in our connection guide and access your online space.