A guaranteed alert if an alarm is triggered

09 February 2023

It has become standard practice to use alarm systems to protect the physical security of buildings. Depending on the system, an alarm might be triggered by a fire or even an attempted break-in. While the building’s occupants are directly alerted to the problem by an alarm sounding on site, it is just as important to flag the ongoing issue to the owners and the emergency services as quickly as possible. Responding swiftly to resolve the issue is vital.

With this in mind, the DEEP Alarmis solution is designed to guarantee alarm transmission to various service providers. These alerts could just as easily relate to the security of a building and its occupants as to individuals in distress or in a delicate state of health. The recipients of the alert might be, for example, the owner or tenant of the site, a relative, the emergency services or a company tasked with intervening if the security of the location is compromised.

A separate and secure system

To implement Alarmis, DEEP teams set up a specific technical system on the customer’s premises to guarantee alarm transmission in all circumstances and at all times.

The system, installed at the location that needs to be secured, relies on a dedicated line with a guaranteed connection to the service providers that are to be alerted if an issue arises. Alarmis is also designed and configured to sound an alarm if someone tries to disconnect the device. Plus, the service providers connected to Alarmis always have an overview of the status of users’ alarms. Each user can therefore rest assured that alarms will be transmitted.

Manage up to 44 different alarms

In addition to security and protecting people and buildings, Alarmis was designed with risk management and efficiency requirements in mind. Different kinds of alert can be transmitted via the system. It is easy to connect sensors of various kinds (motion, opening, water level, glass breaking, etc.), as well as the standard fire and intrusion detection systems. The system allows for up to 44 different alarms to be transmitted to one or more service providers.

A mandatory service for certain players

Keeping people safe within public buildings was the reason for devising Alarmis in the first place. Various institutions are actually required to use the service, including hospitals and integrated centres for the elderly, education and care services for children who are not in school (such as creches) and education and care services for children who are in school (namely schools and childcare centres). Alarmis guarantees that alarms are transmitted directly to the emergency services, the CGDIS (the Luxembourg fire service) and the Luxembourg police, as required by law.

Transmission to public or private service providers

Alarmis can therefore transmit alarms to public service providers, if this is required or authorised by the latter, or to private players such as security or caretaking firms.

The transmitter installed by DEEP at the site requiring surveillance can send alarms to 12 contacts, freely chosen by the customer. However, it is important to note that each contact must formally consent to receive such notifications.

It is also important to state that each alert is channelled to a dedicated platform specially designed for this purpose, giving users control over alert transmission settings.

Redundancy is built into the entire transmission system. The platform is hosted via two separate data centres to ensure the availability and continuity of the service.

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